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Ethics of Authenticity

What does personal authenticity really mean? How can we develop it without disconnecting from the world?

What: A Curious Soul Philosophy workshopCharles Taylor

Where: Online via Zoom
When: 4 Saturdays, new dates TBA
What Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Workshop Description:

We commonly hear the critique that modern culture is in decline. Themes of our demise include:

  1. Hyper-individualism that too often becomes narcissism and a loss of meaning. 
  2. A primacy of instrumental reason that serves goals of efficiency and profit, but forgets critical thinking about which “ends” are worth pursuing.
  3. A political fragmentation and disengagement that threatens the undoing of democracy and a loss of freedom.

Charles Taylor, in The Ethics of Authenticity, takes on these three developments in modernity and articulates their dangers, but warns against an attitude of total impending doom. He argues that we must understand the struggle for important moral ideals that lie at their root — especially the moral ideal of authenticity —  so that we can better identify where the problems are, which aspects of modernity are worth saving, and how to lift those aspects up from their degenerate forms into a more promising future.

Taylor’s inspiring approach is one of a bridge-builder who reveals the underlying values of both the “boosters” and the “knockers” of modern culture. In doing this, he facilitates an understanding of common ground between different camps and reduces entrenched opposition.

About Philosophy Workshops

Philosophy Workshops emphasize discussion, life experience, and practical application. They are led by philosophy professors committed to accessible language and open conversation. No prior philosophical training is necessary . . . just an open mind, a respectful approach to others, and a sense of humor!

About Your Workshop Leader:

AdminMonica Vilhauer, Ph.D. is a former professor of philosophy and the founder of Curious Soul Philosophy. She’s committed to the practical value of philosophy for everyday life, and she’s always looking for ways to move philosophy beyond academic settings and into the community. She does this by offering workshops, retreats, and individual philosophical counseling through Curious Soul.

The Theory and the Lab:
There are two portions of this discussion-based workshop: 1) the Theory, and 2) the Lab.

In the Theory portion of the workshop (the first half of each session) we’ll work to understand key concepts from our reading for the day and from supplementary mini-lectures given by the workshop leader. In the Lab portion of the workshop (the second half) we will reflect on the ways in which the theory applies to our own personal and political struggles. We will devise “experiments” for putting key concepts into practice in our lives, and we will discuss with each other how our experiments work out.

Book to Purchase: Charles Taylor’s The Ethics of Authenticity. There is also a pdf posted online here. (I find it much nicer to have a hard copy in hand for our discussions).

Week One: The Ethics of Authenticity, p. 1-30
Week Two: The Ethics of Authenticity, p. 31-69
Week Three: The Ethics of Authenticity, p. 71-91
Week Four: The Ethics of Authenticity, p. 93-121


For each meeting, participants should read in advance the selection of text we’ll be discussing, consider some questions Monica will send by email to help us focus, and come with some marked passages to talk about.

Cost per person: $200 (for four 2-hour philosophy sessions)

  • The workshop has limited space. Register today to save yourself a spot!
  • Deadline to register: TBA
  • ​Register by clicking the button below and following instructions to use PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, PayPal still allows you to pay using a credit card.

Registration is now closed.