What’s Philosophical About Philosophical Counseling?
There are a few common questions I am asked by those who hear that I offer philosophical counseling and want to learn more about it. “What Is Philosophical Counseling?” is one, as is “How is...
From Perfectionism to Burnout in Sports
How Athletes Struggle With Impossible Expectations This post is part three of a series on the struggles of recovering athletes. In my last post, I talked about the struggle many athletes face, even...
When Your Worth Is Based on Your Medals
How Athletes Struggle With an Achievement-Centered View of Personal Value This post is part two of a series on the struggles of recovering athletes. In my last post, I talked about the loss of...
The “Olympic Blues” Run Deeper Than You Think
This post is part one of a series on the struggles of recovering athletes. An Olympic season is a difficult time for many former athletes who are coming to terms with the long-lasting effects of...
How Is Philosophical Counseling Different From Psychotherapy?
This is one of the first questions that folks ask me when they learn I’m a philosophical counselor. I’ve had my own ideas about this for some time (having spent plenty of time myself in both...
On Kara Eaker’s Retirement and the Ethical Crisis in Gymnastics
Yesterday, I read Kara Eaker’s courageous and articulate Instagram post about the verbal and emotional abuse she endured as a gymnast at the University of Utah, the intense negative effects on her...
10 Ways to Treat a Gymnast Like a Human Being
Hello folks in the gymnastics community! This year I decided to devote a portion of my counseling practice to you! I’m an ethics specialist, philosophical counselor, and former gymnast. Over...
On the Value of Philosophy
Over the past 25 years, I have been asked with some frequency by students, parents, colleagues from other disciplines, friends, and strangers at parties what I think the value of philosophy is, why...