Struggling with big philosophical questions?
Second guessing your core beliefs?
Looking for meaning and purpose?
Trying to clarify your values and sense of ethics?
Struggling to claim freedom and empowerment in life?
Grappling with change, loss, and shifts in your identity?
Wondering how you can live more authentically – more in line with who you are and want to be?
If you want someone to go deep into conversation with you about your life-problems and quests without psychoanalyzing or pathologizing you, you’ve come to the right place!
Enhance understanding, meaning, and self-determination in your life…
In philosophical counseling, we will examine old assumptions, values, and lines of reasoning to see how they’ve been affecting you.
We’ll generate new, more inspiring, and more empowering insights with help from philosophical wisdom traditions.
We’ll assess your situation and your options, experiment with how you can put new insights into practice, and align your actions with your highest values.
We’ll do the work that supports your transformation for a more fulfilling life.
What do philosophical struggles involve?
You might be wondering what philosophical struggles involve because you haven’t really thought of your difficulties as “philosophical” before.
Let’s stroll through some philosophical crises and quests together, so you can see how they are wrapped up in lots of life’s big challenges.
Questioning mainstream norms, beliefs, and values…
It seemed so obvious before. Go to school, graduate, get a job, get married, buy a house, have a couple of kids, make lots of money, and be a big success. Right?
What, you’re not sure you want to do that stuff anymore? Or you tried it, and now you’re miserable? Wait, did you try buying a Tesla? Because I hear that fixes everything. Didn’t work?
You’re starting to question popular beliefs about success and happiness. Are those popular beliefs right for you? Do they deliver on their promises? Is there something toxic about our cultural norms and the kind of life they create?
This is your opportunity to examine your life, figure some things out for yourself, and find your own personally fulfilling path.
Searching for meaning and purpose in life…
It’s another day of just going through the motions. You’re not sure you care much about today’s meeting or this quarter’s goals.
It all just feels sort of… empty.
You’re bored.
You’ve worked hard to get here, but now you’re just… comfortably numb?
Everybody seems to know what they want out of life. But you feel aimless and can’t see a future. Okay, let’s be honest: This seriously sucks. It’s really depressing. It’s uncomfortably numb, people!
Yeah, you do your work, feed yourself, vacuum the house occasionally, and go for a beer after work with a friend. You function, but there’s no passion.
What would INSPIRE you to get out of bed in the morning?
What would you WANT to work hard or fight hard for?
It’s a good time to do some self-exploration and world-exploration to find your direction.
The quest for self-determination and authenticity…
You’ve tried to be a good girl all your life. You’ve followed the rules. You did what your mentors told you. You tried hard to live up to your teachers’ and your bosses’ expectations.
Hell, you even tried to appease your mother-in-law. She wanted you to cook HER recipes for HER precious son and grandsons. Whatever… you did what she wanted, and the family seemed to like the meals, so it was okay. It was the path of least resistance.
But now you’re wondering if you’ve ever made an appearance in your own life. Have you been following a script written for someone else? Has your life just been molded by other people’s expectations of you? Does your life really reflect what you care about most? And here’s a particularly unsettling thought: Have the people you’ve loved most ever really seen who you are?
Great questions. This is your moment! Let’s think about what you want to do with your one life. Sure, there’s always a motive to please others. There’s always pressure to conform to some “standard.” But you’re not standard. And you’re starting to feel that your life is not your own.
It’s time to write your own script.
Grappling with an identity crisis…
Your whole career is hanging in the balance because of major shakeups in your industry. You might be headed for an early retirement.
You were really good at your job. It allowed you to express your personality, passions, and skills. You don’t know anything else. You don’t know who you are without it.
Meanwhile, the last kid is going off to college. You’re no longer needed at 6:00 PM on a weeknight to make dinner and help with homework. All the ways you used to define yourself and feel your value in the world are in question.
Your best friend tells you that even Madonna has to reinvent herself. You start sobbing. Who are you now? What’s your worth now that everything has changed?
Big changes and losses can profoundly affect how we understand our identities. They shake us to the core. But they can also be an opportunity to think anew about what’s most important to you and who you want to be.
This is a chance to make a new commitment to yourself and your aspirations.
Dealing with ethical dilemmas…
You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. All your options seem equally bad. Someone is going to get hurt.
You need help analyzing the situation.
Which things do you really need to pay attention to? How do you weigh all the different factors? You want to treat others (and yourself) with respect and care, but what exactly does that mean?
There might not be an airtight formula that tells you what you should do without question. An ethical decision will always involve uncertainty and a choice only you can make. But with some philosophical analysis, at least you can make a choice that you can explain and defend – even if just to yourself.
Talking through different frameworks for ethical thinking, seeing how they would apply to your particular situation, and getting clear on what personal integrity means for you will help you decide what to do.
Struggling with alienation and social power…
The environment you’ve been returning to daily at your office, school, or gym is seriously toxic. There’s dysfunction everywhere. You’re criticized daily. The people in charge are demeaning. You’re ordered around. You’re treated like a thing… a tool… a “service” with no thoughts, feelings, choices, or human needs of your own.
You’re burnt out, depressed, and walking on eggshells. You haven’t sincerely smiled in a long time. You hold back tears so that you don’t appear weak. You have to put on a show.
Lately, you think that you DON’T DESERVE to be treated any better than this – that this is “just the way things are” in your profession, field of study, or sport. If you can’t cut it, then you don’t deserve to be there.
You keep trying to endure it. You worked so hard to get here. You feel you need this job, this scholarship, or this coach to achieve your dreams. Success requires sacrifice, right? The people in charge “know what’s best,” right?
You feel powerless. You’re not allowed to speak up. There will be retaliation. There’s no one you can trust to talk to. You feel so alone.
Let’s talk about what respect for human beings looks like and get clear about what you deserve. Let’s talk about what abuses of power look like and how to resist them. Let’s find those windows of freedom that are still open to you, so you can save and rebuild your life.
You can talk to me. No one deserves this kind of dehumanizing treatment. You still have choices.
I know that philosophy can change lives because it changed mine.
During periods of intense internal struggle and alienation in my own life – when I was transitioning from high-pressure careers in athletics and academics – philosophical conversations and a whole lot of soul-searching allowed me to examine old ways of thinking, clarify my values and vision for who I wanted to be as a person, and find a new path that was much more authentic and fulfilling.
We all need help diversifying our ways of thinking. We all need help trying on different perspectives to move from the near-sighted vision of our past to the broader horizons of future possibilities.
We all need nourishing wisdom that feeds our souls more profoundly than the pop-culture fads of popular media.
Philosophy provides all that and does so in a way that doesn’t require any particular religious affiliation.
It’s common to begin philosophical counseling feeling a little “lost at sea”…
You might feel confused, stuck, or disheartened.
And asking big questions can certainly feel scary and isolating.
But take heart!
A more meaningful, empowered, and authentic life is possible. You can become the change-maker of your life, and I’m right here… ready to support you as your philosophical friend.
I’ll be your navigation partner through the uncharted waters of life – someone with lots of good questions, a discerning ear, a box full of critical-thinking tools for examining ideas, and a broad array of philosophical perspectives that can open up thinking.
I approach life problems with an open mind and an empathetic heart. And I always try to hold on to humor, even when the waters get rough.
Dare to ask the big questions!
When you’re ready to build clarity, purpose, and empowerment in your life…
When you’re ready to find YOUR unique direction so you can thrive in your own weird and wonderful way…
When you’re ready for an authentic, human-to-human partnership to help you through the stormy waters…
Reach out to schedule a consultation call.